Thursday, September 28, 2017

Art Inquiry

This is the video I made for Art inquiry
Press on the link to see what I did 
It will Tull you everthing I need to say here

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


This team we did adding Es to the words endings like 
S ss z ch Sh x 
This work shop I fund very hulp full and fun but it was all so confusing 
Here is my work


This team we have been focising on prides do here are thing that we do for pride 
This s a blog for pride 

I pit prid in this plant 


Evry week we do collaborative task and we design cards and last week we did thes cards

Here that are the cares I made

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Cross Country

Three weeks buck we did Cross Country and it was hard but I did it and it was fun and I came sixth out of 13 girls

Monday, September 25, 2017

Te Reo Maori

 This is my counting in Te Roethat me and a friend made my friend did the voice overs and I did the creating 
Here is the video
Press on the link